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Healing with Homeopathy: Tracking Your Progress and Remedy Reactions

So you just took your constitutional or deep acting homeopathic remedy and may be struggling to recall what can interfere with the process, how to best reliably track your healing progress and more importantly what happens next!

Once you have taken your first dose of the remedy one on the following processes are commonly experienced:

1. A curative response – your target symptoms improve gradually without any complications.
2. An aggravation – your target symptoms temporarily worsen; this is sometimes unavoidable but know that they are usually short lived and is a great sign that the homeopathic medicine is working.
3. Return of old symptoms – in the process of healing, old symptoms from the past may return for a short period, which is also a great sign that the homeopathic medicine is working.

Each response reveals valuable information that will be used to adjust your treatment and help return you to health. More recent ailments or conditions heal faster than chronic problems.

Generally within 7-10 days after taking a remedy the action of it will become evident and gradually more so over time and with continued treatment. Within this time frame you may experience an aggravation or return of old symptoms. If this occurs it generally lasts 24 – 48 hrs but can last longer. Be sure you reach out to your homeopath in the event this occurs so they can properly assess what’s happening and advise proper next steps.

An aggravation is a temporary worsening of the very symptoms you are seeking to resolve. This is certainly not a desired or intended result, but in the event it occurs it often precedes long lasting resolution of symptoms. If, however, there is prolonged discomfort seek advise from your homeopath. Despite symptom aggravation, client’s often remark feeling at ease, calm or well throughout until symptoms fully abate.

A return of old symptoms is something that often occurs during constitutional homeopathic treatment. You can think of it like spring cleaning. We go through our lives taking immunosuppressive drugs, antibiotics and steroids for almost anything that ails us. Homeopathy views this as stifling the natural channels of expression that the body is attempting to rid itself of disease and is asking for support.

When we use suppressive therapies, or even emotionally suppressive tactics to “process” our feelings we are in essence telling the body to find another form of expression.

After a deep acting homeopathic remedy is given we may experience a temporary resurgence of old aches that haven’t fully healed, or trauma that settled more deeply into the body. A return of old symptoms can be aches from old injuries, surgeries, or even traumatic memories. These emerge with less tenacity than a traditional aggravation and integrate us into wholeness with much more ease.

Overall, these responses are signs that the remedy is acting in a positive manner.

Generally speaking I tell my clients that for each year they’ve had a specific condition, or symptom they can expect 1-3 months of time before it fully resolves.

Healing can take place a number of ways, from the emotional level to the physical, from the most vital organs to the least vital, but the easiest way to understand it is that our body simply wants to rest and heal. What will often happen is that whatever symptom is taking up the most energy, causing the greatest limitation will be the first to improve. It’s safe to say that often occurs on the emotional level first.

What can interfere with homeopathic treatment/remedies?

While, to many homeopaths, the list of substances or experiences which can temporarily compromise or completely antidote the action of your remedy is universal, some request avoiding many more than I’ve listed out below – so if in doubt, please consult with your homeopath.

It’s important to note that although the list of substances that can interfere with homeopathic remedies seems cumbersome, many practitioners can adjust and individualize the remedy strength and frequency of administration to fit with your particular lifestyle.

  • CAMPHOR: Products that contain camphor are: Vicks; Ben-Gay; Tiger Balm; Sea breeze; Karmex; Blistex; Chapstick; deep-heat rubs; liniments; make-up; shaving creams or lip balms
  • CONCENTRATED/SYNTHETIC MINT OR MENTHOL: Mint toothpaste, mint mouthwash, mint gum or mint shampoo. Mint free or homeopathic style toothpaste is available at your health food store. Natural or mild mint products (mint tea, or used in cooking) are acceptable.
  • EXOTICS: Australian Tea Tree oil, Eucalyptus oil or Pau D’Arco tea
  • RECREATIONAL DRUGS: Cocaine, LSD, marijuana, etc.
  • MAJOR DENTAL WORK: Dental Drilling, Grinding, Ultrasonic Cleaning or ultrasonic toothbrushes. It is wise to postpone for several months. Manual cleaning is okay. This is a result of the high-power whirring/buzzing instruments. This has also been noted within the craniosacral community.
  • AIRPLANE TRAVEL: More than 2 time zones. As strange as it sounds, the effect is from the amount of radiation our body is exposed to while flying longer distances at higher altitudes. I have had almost all my clients return from a trip feeling off or experience a return of symptoms previously resolved.
  • HOMEOPATHIC PRODUCTS: General use of topical homeopathic products like arnica, calendula, or eye drops will not interfere with treatment.

If you’ve been given a sample of your homeopathic remedy be sure to avoid exposing your remedy to the following: bright sunlight, moisture, strong smelling perfumes, essential oils, body or hair care products or magnetic radiation (cell phone, microwave, refrigerator).

General guidelines for taking a homeopathic remedy include avoiding eating, drinking or having anything in your mouth 15-20min before and after taking your remedy. Only take the remedy when your mouth is clean, free of tastes, odors or smoke.

Additionally, do not touch the remedy with your fingers or hands. It’s advised that you pour 3-5 pellets into the cap of the vial, and transfer from the cap directly into your mouth, under your tongue and allow to slowly dissolve.

Homeopathy works complementary with other holistic therapies and conventional practices. It is, however, advised that until progress with one therapy is established it is best not to add to begin other therapies as it creates confusion about what is actually working and can become difficult to evaluate the response to each therapy or homeopathic remedy.

How to track healing progress:

Keep a small notebook by your bed or in a place where you will access it each day. I often suggest that clients reflect on their day before going to sleep or, for the day prior, each morning. You’ll want to make note of anything “unusual” – even subtle, and that can mean anything and everything!

Think to yourself:

– Did I feel any physical sensations that I don’t typically?

– Did I express myself or act in a way that I wouldn’t normally?

– Are any of my target symptoms (quality, intensity, frequency) changing (improving or worsening)?

It doesn’t have to be a lengthy time-consuming journal entry. Just make it a few words or sentences long – something that will help you remember what you experienced to bring up during your next session.

Because homeopathy is a truly integrative and holistic modality, the remedy while having focused intention to heal your target concern, will often have an impact on your general “constitution” including your cognitive functions, emotions, behaviors, psychological patterns and more.

In addition to daily journaling you’ll want to create in your journal a symptom tracker comprised of 3 or 4 columns.

  1. In the first column list no more than ten symptoms.
  2. How long you have had them in the second column.
  3. The degree of impact they have on your life in the third column.
  4. The degree of importance in the fourth column.

Updating this list often will act a road map for your healing progress.

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Frank has worked extensively in the mental health field as a homeopath, biofeedback and neurofeedback specialist. He facilitates a deep connection to well-being integrating unresolved trauma and through his practice supports individuals in moving from contraction to expansion, from limitation to freedom.

Soon after Frank began studying Homeopathy he contracted Lymes Disease. Having no health insurance at the time became a blessing because he very quickly learned to test and rely on homeopathy as the effective alternative medical practice it is. After becoming symptom free, Frank practiced Biofeedback and Neurofeedback therapy for 5+ years at the The Gedroic Medical Institute in Morristown, NJ and the Psychiatry Center in Clifton, NJ where he treated individuals suffering from depression, anxiety, psychological disorders, Lymes disease, and various physical conditions like IBS, Asthma, etc.

Now practicing in Bloomfield, NJ he uses homeopathic medicine to resolve recurring ailments and long-standing conditions by addressing the underlying root cause of unwellness that manifests as a seemingly unrelated complex of mental, emotional, or physical symptoms. In his biofeedback & reiki practice he supports individuals in developing the skills to mindfully manage stress, nourish the self and break unconscious patterns.

Frank Molignano, a homeopath at The Healing Narrative, seated on a yellow couch against a dark blue wall with a yellow picture behind him, looking to the right

Virtual sessions are available via Tele-Health or in person if you are local to the tri-state area, NJ or Bloomfield. Homeopathy is essential to uproot your symptoms and restoring health! Click here to schedule a free phone consultation.
