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How to Select the Best Homeopathic Remedy for Your Needs
Have you ever felt at a loss with the number of homeopathic remedies available on the selves at whole foods? Even so, there are thousands more available online with many different potencies. The selection can be puzzling!
Many homeopathic product lines have tried to simplify the selection process by making condition-specific formulas and combinations. These can certainly be helpful especially short term, in fact, I have used many of them; however, they are often not as effective or as strong as a well selected single remedy. The inherent challenge, however, with using a single remedy is that the in-store charts, guides, or suggested use are very limited and of so few words. For instance, you may not think to use the remedy Natrum-Muriaticum for a headache, cold, or even seasonal allergies because the suggested use on the vial says that it is for bedwetting! Another reason formula or combination remedies can be only partially effective is that with the inclusion of so many condition-specific remedies they are usually all of one potency, often too mild to properly address the acute condition or flare-up and sometimes the remedies in the combination can even have competing actions.
Remedy Accuracy: Landing the bullseye can be difficult!
It’s very easy to “miss the mark” so-to-speak, which at best may result in no effects and at worst could produce an uncomfortable aggravation of symptoms; however, this should not discourage you from using remedies on your own or seeing a professional homeopath to address the concern.
OTC remedies or recommendations from your local health store team member is not a true measure of effectiveness of a complex health system that has been around for hundreds of years and successfully treats millions of people world-wide with both simple acute care like colds and chronic health conditions like fibromyalgia, migraines, insomnia, etc.
So how exactly do you select a remedy?
Homeopaths LOVE information, so the more specific you can get about how and what you’re feeling or treating, the better and easier it will be to make the selection process in the moment or better yet – even easier to provide the information to your homeopath should that time come.
So what information about one’s condition, ailment, or concern are we looking for exactly? The acronym “CLAMS” will illuminate that for us:
C : Concomitant – What is the main complaint or symptom? What secondary symptoms accompany the main one? For example, chief complaint is a headache but the person also has a runny nose.
L : Location – What is the exact location of the main complaint? For example, the pain is mainly on my left side but shoots over to the left sometimes.
A : Aetiology – The cause of or circumstances present at the time when it began. For example, a sudden shock, death of a loved one or a car accident.
M : Modality – Anything that causes the presenting complaint to get better or worse. For example, it is better for heat, worse for when I walk or sit, better outdoors in fresh air or in a warm room.
S : Sensation – How the person is actually experiencing the complaint. For example, Is the pain dull, throbbing, aching, stabbing, twisting, etc.
So what next?
After you have all this information what do you do with it?
Step 1. Prioritize the symptoms in terms of intensity and eliminate what is part of one’s general constitution from what is entirely new. It’s natural that when feeling sick your longer standing ailments may suddenly feel more uncomfortable or be at the forefront of your mind.
Step 2. Try your best to focus on one guiding symptom that dominates the acute concern, usually the most limiting or painful, to guide and lead your remedy selection. For instance, it’s valuable to have all of the information about someone’s hayfever, but does the itchy eyes out weight the intensity/frequency of the sneezing fits? Organizing symptoms in this way will make selecting the right remedy that much easier.
Step 3. There are many handy selection guides available online, in the resources listed below and in the blog posts on my website. I also welcome any emails or calls to help with your at home selection for FREE.
IMPORTANT to remember:
Often times the online guides available will provide only a small snapshot of a very extensive remedy profile and what symptoms it may best be suited for in resolving. Just make sure that the most pronounced symptoms are covered in your remedy choice.
If you’re at a loss and feeling confused feel welcome to reach out for a free consultation. I’m happy to guide you in the right direction.
When and why call a homeopath?
Unless you have had some at-home successes when using homeopathic remedies it’s best not to let the professional be the last resort; however, it’s truly never too late. What was perhaps a simple cold can become complicated and more difficult to manage when various remedies have been used. Call when:
– When it is unclear to you which homeopathic remedy may best fit the ailment
– When it seems like some symptoms are getting worse as others are improving
– After maximum 3 doses of a single remedy with little to no improvement
At the outset and first signs of symptoms contacting a certified homeopath will often ensure that the best homeopathic remedy is selected, that progress is evaluated and subsequent doses are well timed to produce a speedy recovery!
Frank has worked extensively in the mental health field as a homeopath, biofeedback and neurofeedback specialist. He facilitates a deep connection to well-being integrating unresolved trauma and through his practice supports individuals in moving from contraction to expansion, from limitation to freedom.
Soon after Frank began studying Homeopathy he contracted Lymes Disease. Having no health insurance at the time became a blessing because he very quickly learned to test and rely on homeopathy as the effective alternative medical practice it is. After becoming symptom free, Frank practiced Biofeedback and Neurofeedback therapy for 5+ years at the The Gedroic Medical Institute in Morristown, NJ and the Psychiatry Center in Clifton, NJ where he treated individuals suffering from depression, anxiety, psychological disorders, Lymes disease, and various physical conditions like IBS, Asthma, etc.
Now practicing in Bloomfield, NJ he uses homeopathic medicine to resolve recurring ailments and long-standing conditions by addressing the underlying root cause of unwellness that manifests as a seemingly unrelated complex of mental, emotional, or physical symptoms. In his biofeedback & reiki practice he supports individuals in developing the skills to mindfully manage stress, nourish the self and break unconscious patterns.