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Improving ADHD Symptoms: Homeopathy Research Insights

Based on the available research, homeopathy may be a helpful modality in addressing ADHD and improving related symptoms. Two studies, one published in the European Journal of Pediatrics and another meta-analysis published in the Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, found that homeopathy resulted in significant improvements in ADHD symptoms compared to conventional treatment alone or placebo.

In the study published in the European Journal of Pediatrics, individualized homeopathic remedies tailored to the specific symptoms and characteristics of each child resulted in significant improvements in ADHD symptoms when used in addition to conventional treatment. Meanwhile, the meta-analysis found that homeopathy resulted in significant improvements in ADHD symptoms compared to placebo in 14 studies with a total of 1,135 participants.

While more high-quality research is needed to confirm these findings, these studies suggest that homeopathy may be a promising adjunctive therapy for children with ADHD. Homeopathy’s emphasis on the healing narrative and individualized approach may offer unique benefits for patients with ADHD and other conditions.

In homeopathy, the practitioner takes into account not only the physical symptoms of the patient but also their emotional and mental state, as well as their unique life experiences and belief systems. By taking a holistic and individualized approach, homeopathy seeks to address the root cause of the illness rather than just treating the symptoms.

It is important to note that homeopathy is not a replacement for conventional treatment and should only be used as a complementary approach under the guidance of a qualified practitioner. However, the available research suggests that homeopathy may offer a helpful addition to conventional treatment for children with ADHD.

Overall, while more research is needed to confirm the effectiveness of homeopathy for ADHD, the available studies suggest that it may be a promising modality in improving symptoms related to this condition. For those interested in exploring homeopathy as a potential treatment option for ADHD, it is important to work with a qualified and experienced practitioner who can help determine the best approach for each individual patient.

Frank has worked extensively in the mental health field as a homeopath, biofeedback and neurofeedback specialist. He facilitates a deep connection to well-being integrating unresolved trauma and through his practice supports individuals in moving from contraction to expansion, from limitation to freedom.

Soon after Frank began studying Homeopathy he contracted Lymes Disease. Having no health insurance at the time became a blessing because he very quickly learned to test and rely on homeopathy as the effective alternative medical practice it is. After becoming symptom free, Frank practiced Biofeedback and Neurofeedback therapy for 5+ years at the The Gedroic Medical Institute in Morristown, NJ and the Psychiatry Center in Clifton, NJ where he treated individuals suffering from depression, anxiety, psychological disorders, Lymes disease, and various physical conditions like IBS, Asthma, etc.

Now practicing in Bloomfield, NJ he uses homeopathic medicine to resolve recurring ailments and long-standing conditions by addressing the underlying root cause of unwellness that manifests as a seemingly unrelated complex of mental, emotional, or physical symptoms. In his biofeedback & reiki practice he supports individuals in developing the skills to mindfully manage stress, nourish the self and break unconscious patterns.

Frank Molignano, a homeopath at The Healing Narrative, seated on a yellow couch against a dark blue wall with a yellow picture behind him, looking to the right

Distance sessions are available via Tele-Health or in person if you are local to the tri-state area, NJ or Bloomfield. Homeopathy is essential to uproot your symptoms and restoring health! Click here to schedule a free phone consultation.
