Holistic Health Resources
Recommended Reading:
Additional Sources:
A great article on homeopathic home treatment of the flu by Mirando Castro
The National Center of Homeopathy
An excellent resource for articles and
information on the latest research in homeopathy.
North American Society of Homeopaths
This is another excellent resource for research articles in homeopathy.
Homeopathic Bookstores
Homeopathic Certification Bodies
Homeopathic Networking & Education Sites
- Homeopathy World Community
- Hpathy – Homeopathy 4 Everyone
- International Website for Medical Homeopathy (IWMH)
Homeopathic Organizations – General
Homeopathic Pharmacies
- (Tx) Treatment Options Homeopathic Laboratories
- Ainsworths
- American Association of Homeopathic Pharmacists (AAHP)
- Hahnemann Labs
- Helios Homeopathy
- Hylands – Standard Homeopathic Company
- Natural Health Supply
- Nelson’s Natural World
- Ohm Pharma
- Remedia Homeopathic Manufactury
- The Alchemist’s Apothecary San Diego, California, USA. Hahnemann or Korsakow method of dilution or purchase hard to find, higher potencies. Onsite chemist/pathologist/lab. Produce own flower & gem essences. Tautopathic/CEASE remedies.
Homeopathic Professional Organizations
- American Institute of Homeopathy (AIH)
- Canadian Society of Homeopaths (CSH)
- European Committee for Homeopathy (ECH)
- Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians (HANP)
- Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis (LMHI)
- National United Professional Association of Trained Homeopaths (NUPATH)
- North American Society of Homeopaths (NASH)
- Ontairio Homeopath Association (OHA)
Homeopathic Publications
- Journal of Case Studies in Homeopathy The Journal of Case Studies in Homeopathy (JCSH), ISSN 2321-6255 is first online, open access journal for case reports/studies/case series in Homeopathy. It is fully committed to provide free access to all its contents as soon as they are published. JCSH