What Is Homeopathy?
Understanding Homeopathy: A Comprehensive Overview
Homeopathic medicine does not interfere with other treatments or medications and is safe for children, seniors and even animals..
Homeopathy is a non-invasive form of holistic medicine to restore and improve overall health and well-being by stimulating the body’s immune system. This is achieved through the use of remedies prepared from botanical, mineral or other biological substances found in nature and should not be confused with herbal medicine.
While considered safe, homeopathic medicine should always be administered under the guidance of a certified classical homeopath, or homeopathic doctor. They are regulated for sale in the US by the FDA and manufactured in strict accordance with the “Homeopathic Pharacopoeia of the US” (HPUS).
Frequently Asked Questions
Homeopathic medicine is used extensively around the world. In fact, homeopathy is the leading alternative treatment system used by physicians in Europe. Forty percent of the French public have used homeopathic treatments. The British Royal Family is the strongest advocate for homeopathy in the U.K., and in Germany, the most popular hay fever remedy is a homeopathic formula.
North American Society of Homeopaths (NASH)
The North American Society of Homeopaths (NASH) is dedicated to promoting, representing, and serving as the voice of all PROFESSIONAL homeopaths in North America. NASH aims to develop and uphold the highest level of excellence in homeopathic practice while enhancing the role of the homeopathic profession as an integral part of health care delivery.
National Center for Homeopathy
Learn more about the National Center for Homeopathy; Founded in 1974, the Homeopathy (NCH) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to promoting health through homeopathy by advancing the use and practice of homeopathy.
The National Center for Homeopathy (NCH) provides education and builds awareness while advocating for access to homeopathy as a safe, effective and affordable system of medicine.
The Council for Homeopathic Certification
The CHC was established as a non-profit organization in 1992 to support homeopathic professionals in United States and Canada and to empower homeopaths to show a true gauge of their knowledge, abilities, and competence in the homeopathic profession through our rigorous certification process.
In The United States and Canada over 500 trained homeopaths have been certified by the CHC.