Research & Articles

Vaccines: Safety, Solutions, and Homeopathic Research – Part 2

Clinical experience since 1798, evidence from both small and large scale interventions, plus Dr. Goldens statistical analysis in the table below, all support a consistent level of effectiveness of around 90% for homeopathic vaccine alternatives. This makes it comparably effective to conventional vaccination practices!

Measures of Reactions & Efficacy

Data After Follow-Up Surveys

  Data Series


Data Series


Data Series




Total Responses   708 817 817   2,342
1.       Previously Vaccinated   73 102 110   285
10.3% 12.5% 13.5% 12.2%
2.       Had definite reactions to HP

Reactions per person

Reactions per dose (estimated)

  51 81 81   213
7.2% 9.9% 9.9% 9.1%
1.2% 1.7% 1.7% 1.5%
3.       Number of participants who were definitely exposed to diseases covered by the Main Program   177 127 113   417
25.0% 15.5% 13.8% 17.8%
4.       Number of participants who definitely suffered from diseases covered by the Main Program   18 11 11 40
2.5% 1.3% 1.4% 1.7%
5.       Number of participants who had taken appropriate HP remedy and definitely suffered the disease after definite exposure – failure   18/177 11/127 11/113 40/417
10.2% 8.7% 9.7% 9.6%
6.       Number of participants definitely not suffering diseases, after definite exposure and after taking appropriate remedy – effectiveness   159/177 116/127 102/113 377/417
89.8% 91.3% 90.3% 90.4%

1998 | Mroninski C, Adriano E, Mattos G, 2001. Meningococcinum: Its protective effect against meningococcal disease.

During an outbreak in Brazil, 65,826 children were given the homeopathic preventative and 23,532 were unprotected. The nosode was shown to be 95% effective in the first outbreak, and 95% effective after 6 months and 91% effective after 12 months in the second outbreak.

The table below shows a number of trials published which report on the effectiveness of short-term HP. It is clear that there is a consistent level of effectiveness at around 90%. This of course means that there is a 10% failure rate. 90% level of protection is very comparable with that of vaccination where effectiveness and efficacy can vary between 40% and 99%, depending on the vaccine being studied.

Year Researcher/(Disease) Number of Participants Length of Survey Ages Effectiveness %
1853 Dudgeon

(Scarlet Fever)

1,646 < 6 months Various 92.9%
1907 Eaton


2,806 < 1 year Mainly adults 97.5%
1963 Gutman


385 < 1 year Adults 86.0%
1974 Castro & Nogeira


HP 18,640

Other 6,340

6 months Less than 15 years old 86.1%
1998 Mroninski et al.


HP 65,826

Other 23,539

6 months

12 months

0 – 20 years 92.4%


An Indian Intervention

OVERVIEW: This was the first ever large-epidemic acute encephalomyelitis accompanying a viral infection. The first case of JE was detected in 1979 in the Andhra Pradesh state. Initially Belladonna was administered in a small way with good result, but the government did not undertake any large-scale preventative measures. Since 1990 it had become an unmanageable problem. Between 1993 and 1999 there were 5,308 JE cases, and 1,511 children who died in spite of vaccination.

The doubtful efficacy of the existing vaccine, and the enormous cost of vaccinating all children, prompted the government to choose homeopathic prophylactics in the year 1999. The incidence rate and case totality rate of JE were drastically reduced following the HP Intervention.

METHOD The following prophylactic program was implemented:
Days 1, 2, 3: Belladonna 200
Day 10, Calc Carb 200
Day 25, Tuberculinum M

The remedies were administered in a phased manner to all children in the age group of 0 to 15 years in the month of August every year for three consecutive years. Symptom similarity, complimentary relationship, virulence and underlying Miasms were taken into consideration while selecting these drugs. This project was named as B.C.T.

RESULTS After its commencement in 1999 the mortality and morbidity rate of JE fell drastically as shown below.

Year Cases Deaths
1991 528 213
1992 143 56
1993 1185 461
1994 261 10
1995 986 269
1996 332 108
1997 984 247
1998 524 192
1999 1036 203
2000 343 72
2001 33 4
2002 18 0
2004 0 0
2004 0 0

Source: Director of Health, Government of Andhra Pradesh

The government officially published the statistics and acknowledged the efficacy of homeopathy in the field of prevention of epidemic diseases in Andhra Pradesh. After witnessing the decline of JE in Andhra Pradesh, other states have shown a keen interest in this innovation method. Neighboring states which have not adopted this method continue to show a higher incidence of JE cases as shown above.

1974 | Dr D Castro & Dr G G Nogueria, Use of the Nosode Miningococcinum as a Preventative Against Meningitis

In August 1974 (in Guarantingueta, Brazil) there was an epidemic of meningitis. 18,000 children under the age of 15 were give Meningococcinum 10CH, and 6,340 children of similar agres were not covered. The following results were obtained after 6 months, noting that the HP cases came from the less wealthy and most at-risk groups in the town, and the unprotected group from the wealthier and less at-risk groups:

18,000 protected homeopathically 6 cases
6,340 not protected 10 cases
Efficacy 78.9%

1907 | Dr. C W Eaton, Vaiolinum – [a paper read before the American Institute of Homeopathy]

Dr. Eaton gives the results of the experience in the smallpox epidemic of a number of Iowa physicians. His instructions to his colleagues were precise. The paper “really gives the basis of what is known as ‘Homeopathic vaccination’ which was upheald by the Supreme Court of Iowa.”

“I trust that reference to your case book, ledger, and other records will enable you to make your figures on these three points definite and exact. May I ask that in any uncertain cases, such ones be omitted from your report, to the end that figure be conservative, and an understatement rather than an overstatement.”

Dr. Eaton collected the following figures (from which he deliberately excluded his own experience):

Persons given Variolinum 30c 2,806
Definite exposures after taking Variolinum 30c 547
Smallpox cases after taking Variolinum 30c 14
Effectiveness 97.5%

Dr. Eaton concluded: “We must not do Homeopathy the injustice of giving this, one of its most successful and useful outgrowths, a partial and equivocal recognition, just because it happens to be strange to us. This splendid piece of practice is not new, it has its roots in the past, through we may not have known it. And we must not injure the cause by refusing to recognize its value just because we happen not to have been conversant with it.”


Dr. Golden, Issac. The Complete Practitioner’s Manual of Homeoprophylaxis. Emryss Publishers, 2013.

Frank has worked extensively in the mental health field as a homeopath, biofeedback and neurofeedback specialist. He facilitates a deep connection to well-being integrating unresolved trauma and through his practice supports individuals in moving from contraction to expansion, from limitation to freedom.

Soon after Frank began studying Homeopathy he contracted Lymes Disease. Having no health insurance at the time became a blessing because he very quickly learned to test and rely on homeopathy as the effective alternative medical practice it is. After becoming symptom free, Frank practiced Biofeedback and Neurofeedback therapy for 5+ years at the The Gedroic Medical Institute in Morristown, NJ and the Psychiatry Center in Clifton, NJ where he treated individuals suffering from depression, anxiety, psychological disorders, Lymes disease, and various physical conditions like IBS, Asthma, etc.

Now practicing in Bloomfield, NJ he uses homeopathic medicine to resolve recurring ailments and long-standing conditions by addressing the underlying root cause of unwellness that manifests as a seemingly unrelated complex of mental, emotional, or physical symptoms. In his biofeedback & reiki practice he supports individuals in developing the skills to mindfully manage stress, nourish the self and break unconscious patterns.

Frank Molignano, a homeopath at The Healing Narrative, seated on a yellow couch against a dark blue wall with a yellow picture behind him, looking to the right