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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between homeopathy and conventional medicine?2018-02-06T03:06:06+00:00

Homeopathy’s Approach
Homeopathy is based on a”whole person” approach. In homeopathy, the remedy or treatment program is customized and individualized to the patient, with the intent of removing the underlying cause.

Conventional Medicine’s Approach
Conventional (allopathic) medicine usually relies on treating a patient’s physical symptoms. This treatment might also assume a person’s symptoms need to be controlled, suppressed or eliminated.

The difference may be stated in a simple analogy: eradicating the “symptom” of a car’s low oil level (the warning light) does not change, or remedy, the cause of the signal (low-oil).

Goals of the Homeopathic Approach

The Homeopath’s Role as “Detective”
The work of the homeopath is to observe the client, process and reflect on the gathered information, and then determine the underlying disturbance. This process can be thought of as a mystery, wherein the homeopathic “detective” attempts to discover where the flow of energy in the body has been blocked or impeded. Each signal/symptom offered by the client can be thought of as a clue to determine the correct remedy. The client’s eye contact, body posture, breathing patterns, voice quality, and expressions are all noted as supportive indicators.

When all of the information about the client’s physical, mental and emotional symptoms has been documented, then the search for the remedy begins. The homeopath’s goal is not only to remove the symptoms, but also to eliminate the underlying problem by stimulating the body’s healing response. This is the reason for obtaining such a detailed analysis of the patient.

The Homeopathic Treatment
The goal of the homeopathic care is to encourage the body to return to a natural state of balance and health. Like the missing pieces of a puzzle, homeopathic remedies help “fill-in” the gaps in the body to stimulate a person’s own healing potential and energies. As healing occurs more conventional medicines may no longer be needed.

Is homeopathy merely psychological?2018-02-06T03:07:44+00:00

If you think you must “believe in” homeopathy for it to work, you need to know that it is not a placebo effect. Here are some powerful examples:

Infants: Homeopathic remedies and treatments are successfully used by parents for common infant ailments such as colic, teething pain and some infections.

Animals: There are many veterinarians using homeopathic medicines to treat domestic pets such as cats, dogs and birds, as well as barnyard animals like goats, horses and cows. It is not possible to have a placebo effect with animals.

Millions of people across the world use and rely on homeopathic remedies. Today there are a rapidly growing number of conventional medical doctors using homeopathic medicines.

Is homeopathy slow in action?2018-02-06T03:08:36+00:00

Several types of diseases, chronic or acute, can be treated effectively with homeopathy. Unfortunately, people tend to go to a homeopath only when the acute problem becomes chronic, that is, it becomes more severe and difficult to treat. They choose homeopathy when other systems of medicine fail to treat or completely cure their medical condition, most often in cases like arthritis, asthma, rare skin conditions, etc. These cases naturally take longer to treat, even with any other system of medicine. For acute ailments like fever, diarrhoea, acute cold, cough, etc., homeopathic remedies act as fast as conventional medicines, sometimes even faster! In certain cases, these remedies produce results even quicker than other forms of therapy.

Do homeopathic medicines have side-effects?2018-02-06T03:09:11+00:00

No, homeopathic medicines do not cause any side-effects. Homeopathy is a natural, safe as well as effective method of healing. Homeopathic medicines are made from natural sources like plants and minerals, thus causing no side-effects, even if you take them throughout your lifetime. They are absolutely non-toxic and non-habit forming.

What is the relationship between symptoms and homeopathy?2018-07-28T22:38:08+00:00

Symptoms are the language of disease — the body’s attempt to balance itself. Without symptoms, a person could have a potentially life threatening illness with no way of identifying it.

Many conventional drugs try to inhibit and suppress symptoms — sometimes leading to even more serious symptoms.

Homeopathy does not seek to remove or suppress symptoms. Its goal is to recognize and remove the underlying cause of these symptoms. This is why a homeopath will work toward understanding the whole person — including their body, mind and emotional state — before recommending a remedy.

Is homeopathy safe to take with my other medications?2018-02-06T02:59:39+00:00

Yes, prescriptions, OTCs, supplements, etc.– homeopathy has no contra indications and has no risk of habituation or side effects.

What role does the FDA have in homeopathy?2018-02-06T03:00:38+00:00

Two organizations are involved in the standardization and oversight of homeopathic production, the FDA and the HPUS. The Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the US (HPUS) establishes the tests, standards, assays and production methods for each remedy it incorporates. The FDA uses HPUS monographs plus the same rules and regulations it applies to other forms of medicine to oversee and scrutinize homeopathic manufacturing, production and labeling. The uses for our homeopathic products are based on traditional homeopathic practice. Homeopathic medicines have been officially recognized as drugs in the US since their inclusion in the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act of 1938.

Is it safe to take homeopathic medicines during pregnancy?2018-02-06T03:01:30+00:00

Nausea, anaemia, backache, cramps, morning sickness, constipation, heartburn, blood pressure, emotional distress, etc., are some common complaints during pregnancy. Homeopathy works gently and effectively to relieve such discomfort. In fact, conventional medicine can possibly have side-effects on both the mother and child, whereas homeopathy effectively addresses pregnancy related problems without side-effects.

Distance sessions are available via Tele-Health or in person if you are local to the tri-state area, NJ or Bloomfield. Homeopathy is essential to uproot your symptoms and restoring health! Click here to schedule a free phone consultation.