Have you ever walked down the supplement aisle at the health food store or whole foods and felt overwhelmed by your internal dialogue wondering just how safe it is to use some of the supplements lining the shelves? “How often and when do you know to take something, how strong should the supplement be? Aside from feeling better, what changes are we specifically looking for? What about contraindications?”

With the overwhelming laundry list of questions one may exercise some caution when taking supplements, however, people often elect to try homeopathic medicine (remedies) because of its safe, effective and non-habit-forming reputation. It’s assumed that absolutely no harm can come from use and while this notion encourages the purchase of OTC homeopathic remedies this has become a double-edged sword. It’s common knowledge that remedies are ultra-dilutions of natural substances, which is precisely what makes it gentle and effective for healing; however, this should not be mistaken to mean that it is incapable or unable to cause side-effects. In fact, on-going research supports that these remedies stimulate and provoke the body’s natural healing response. There are even many studies available on my website showing the effects of homeopathy on animals or even cells in a petri dish! In the post below I outline a simple guide to knowing when it’s time to consult a certified homeopath, like myself, and more importantly how to use homeopathic remedies in a way that ensures safety and a side-effect free healing experience.

Is there a safe way to use homeopathic remedies?

The good news is – absolutely! The simple rule of thumb to follow when taking OTC homeopathic remedies is to take them only on an “as needed” basis. Simple right? Unfortunately the trouble with this expression, especially when working with remedies, is that we often overlook the subtle, early phase of improvement and revert to the “more is better” mentality, which can quickly spoil the progress being made. Homeopathically speaking, taking more can potentially cause temporary and unintended side-effects or, in homeo-speak, aggravations. More likely it may reduce, even nullify, the effectiveness of the previous dose altogether. This may seem completely contradictory but instead, allow this to inform how you track or monitor progress when using a homeopathic remedy. We ensure a side-effect free experience when we utilize these remedies with care, precision and properly consider when it’s time to administer another dose.

Follow these simple steps to selecting the right potency, remedy administration and repeat dosing:

Step 1: Make your best selection of a single homeopathic remedy in a 6c, 12c, or 30c potency. Use this as your discomfort scale. The more pain or discomfort the more likely you will want to select a 30c.
Step 2: Administer a single dose (3-5 pellets) and WAIT! This is crucial. Homeopathic remedy companies often encourage frequent “blind” dosing.
Step 3: Only administer another dose if there are no signs of improvement – even the slightest or most subtle. Certainly do not administer another dose if symptoms appear to be worsening.


Just because it’s natural and dilute doesn’t rule out the possibility of causing damage 

The absolutely marvelous thing about homeopathy is that it is the most environmentally sustainable form of health care, completely natural, safe and side effect free IF used properly. It can never be guaranteed that unintended effects will not result with use, especially without the guidance of a professional homeopath, but if there is ever any question I am happy to offer my advice.

My colleague said it best: “if you watched a youtube video or attended a workshop on how to perform an operation would you do it on yourself?” It may be a heavy-handed metaphor to think of homeopathic remedies like a scalpel, but it is worth pausing over. In fact, during my first year of study in 2009 I, with a 12c remedy, caused my sister to become violently ill after first improving her excruciating toothache. I had simply administered another dose too soon without true cause and it pushed her to violently purge the toxins that had built up in her system, but in a way that was certainly not gentle, and could be considered a devastating side-effect. Needless to say, I didn’t have to prove to her that homeopathy had any effect on her condition.

The takeaway is that a lot of time, practice and study goes into learning the ins and outs of homeopathic medicine and even getting nationally credentialed. There is a lot to know, and homeopathy is very much a holistic art and science; but while there certainly is a learning curve, a little education goes a long way and can make a tremendous difference in how and what you stock your at-home, travel, and first aid kit with.

When and why call a homeopath?

This is the age of self-empowerment and more than anything, I want to support you in making the right decision. It’s easy to slip into the “just read this article,” “someone recommended,” “the whole body specialist said,” mindset. It’s challenging to pause in a moment when you or your love ones are feeling ill and you’re scrambling to find something that could potentially prevent them from needing professional care.

There is a point that DIY self-care can become too difficult to manage and truth is you don’t need to take on that added stress.

Unless you have had some at-home successes when using homeopathic remedies it’s best not to let the professional be the last resort. What was perhaps a simple cold can become complicated and more difficult to manage when various remedies have been used. Consider calling when:

  • it is unclear to you which homeopathic remedy may best fit the ailment
  • it seems like some symptoms are getting worse as others are improving
  • Three doses of a single remedy have been administered with little to no improvement

At the outset and first signs of symptoms contacting a certified homeopath will often ensure that the best homeopathic remedy is selected, that progress is properly evaluated, and subsequent doses are well timed to produce a speedy recovery! The trouble is that acute conditions can often move through various phases of healing, at times requiring different remedies altogether, but a trained homeopath can help at each step along the way.

Okay, I’m ready to try it:

A little education goes a long way in understanding this system of medicine and how to use this tool. In addition, below are three books recommended to enhance your understanding of homeopathy.
Beyond Flat Earth Medicine, Timothy R. Dooley, N.D., M.D.
There is an older online version for free at: http://www.beyondflatearth.com/
Impossible Cure, Amy Lansky
The Patient’s Guide to Homeopathic Medicine, Robert W. Ullman

Be Gentle and Patient:

Remember! This is a paradigm shift, and it takes time to shift what modality you rely on first, and use as a last restore. Most of us didn’t grow up relying or trusting in holistic medicine and no matter where you are in shifting your focus, it’s the best place to start from. I challenged myself when I started studying so for roughly 10+ years I have been able to exclusively rely on homeopathic medicine for all of my colds, flus, rashes, bug bites, and even more serious health conditions like Lyme disease. Consider starting with homeopathy, a professional can help you identify your boundaries and comfort checkpoints around when to seek conventional care.

Reference my other blog posts as a guide to treating condition-specific concerns. Who knows! You may be more skilled at selecting acute-care remedies than you think!

  • Homeopathy in Montclair, NJ

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Frank has worked extensively in the mental health field as a homeopath, biofeedback and neurofeedback specialist. He facilitates a deep connection to well-being integrating unresolved trauma and through his practice supports individuals in moving from contraction to expansion, from limitation to freedom.

Soon after Frank began studying Homeopathy he contracted Lymes Disease. Having no health insurance at the time became a blessing because he very quickly learned to test and rely on homeopathy as the effective alternative medical practice it is. After becoming symptom free, Frank practiced Biofeedback and Neurofeedback therapy for 5+ years at the The Gedroic Medical Institute in Morristown, NJ and the Psychiatry Center in Clifton, NJ where he treated individuals suffering from depression, anxiety, psychological disorders, Lymes disease, and various physical conditions like IBS, Asthma, etc.

Now practicing in Bloomfield, NJ he uses homeopathic medicine to resolve recurring ailments and long-standing conditions by addressing the underlying root cause of unwellness that manifests as a seemingly unrelated complex of mental, emotional, or physical symptoms. In his biofeedback & reiki practice he supports individuals in developing the skills to mindfully manage stress, nourish the self and break unconscious patterns.

Integrative Homeopathy Montclair NJ

Distance sessions are available via Tele-Health or in person if you are local to the tri-state area, NJ or Bloomfield. Homeopathy is essential to uproot your symptoms and restoring health! Click here to schedule a free phone consultation.